Hurricane Audrey

Written account by Joseph Russel Broussard (Dr. Mark Randall Broussard’s Additions in Italics) (June 26th and 27th, 1957) (The Broussard Family) Joseph Russel Broussard, 28 years old Lurlie Mae Broussard, 26 years old Francis Kirk, 4½ years old Mark Randall, 3½ years old Richard Blane, 2½ year old Lisa Reyne, nine months (Visiting us at the time)… Continue reading Hurricane Audrey


My name is Wayne Hebert.  I’m 78 years old and live three miles southeast of Iowa, La.    In June of 1957 I was 11 years old when I heard a hurricane was coming.  I thought it was going to be a great adventure.  I was young and naive.   We had a dairy.  Power went… Continue reading AUDREY & THE DAIRY

Lagniappe Magazine Article

This article was published by Lagniappe Magazine – May 4, 2023. VOL 41 NO 5.  Special Thanks to Brad Goins and Lagniappe Magazine for permission to publish this on our blog! Dev Doc Theatre A New Local Theatre Project Aims To Help People Tell Their Stories By Brad Goins In January, local theatre expert Charles… Continue reading Lagniappe Magazine Article

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Response to First Submission

This response comes to us from Cat. She shares her own experience with racial identity from 50 years ago. This essay begs us to revisit the age-old question of ‘what is racial identity to my same and/or different race?’ Is it skin color? Is it colloquial language? Is it attitude? Is it heritage or upbringing?… Continue reading Response to First Submission

First Submission!

We are honored and humbled to post DevDoc Theatre’s first “Tell us your Story, Speak your Truth” submission. It comes to us from a 17-year-old high school junior attending a small high school in rural Louisiana. The student and her 9 classmates were asked “If a play was being done to bring understanding to the… Continue reading First Submission!

Categorized as Submissions

First Post

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